# 1/50

As a software engineer, git tool has became part of my daily tinkering. Github Pages became my go-to choice when I decided to start building my own site [finally]. As I have been more committed to building this up, I have decided to buy my first domain yesterday and set it up for my github page.

Github has provided a documentation on how to set up custom domains for our github pages. Here, I will summarize into 4 simple steps:

  1. Go to the DNS provider of your custom domain and set up the following records:
     Type: A,     Name: @,   Value:
     Type: A,     Name: @,   Value:
     Type: A,     Name: @,   Value:
     Type: A,     Name: @,   Value:
     Type: CNAME, Name; www, Value: <Github Page URL>

    To verify: dig <your custom domain> and you should observe the A records corresponding to your changes.

  2. Go to the root level of your github page repository and add a CNAME file. Add a single entry with the value: . Commit and push your changes to github.

  3. Go to the settings tab of your github page repository. Under the section Github Pages update the custom domain field and select the option Enforce HTTPS.

  4. Navigate to your site with your custom domain and you should see your github page. Note: You may observe some security warnings as it may take some time for Enforce HTPPS to fully take effect.

It took me less than 10 minutes to have everything set up and running as I intended.

Thanks for reading!

You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will - Stephen King